Our Story
I started Lectito to broaden Latin's influence. Having taken Latin for six years, I have always had a significant passion for the language. Latin is often misperceived as useless due to its ‘dead' nature, meaning that it is no longer spoken; however, the language's rich history has many crossovers to modern-day life. Latin can be a great foundation for speaking English, French, and Spanish.
Mission Statement
Lēctitō’s mission is to build a passion for Latin at a young age. By creating Classics worksheets that refer to english translations of children’s books, we create learning tools that are accessible to younger minds. Young minds learn languages faster, and teaching them such a hard language from a young age could help them develop an advanced understanding of grammar and vocabulary later on. These workbooks are a helpful way to teach kids Latin. They also can be used as a learning tool for latin beginners.
Founder Bio
Sienna Mora
I grew up in New York City and went to boarding school at the young age of fourteen. I had to decide between dropping Mandarin or Latin for language courses, and after much thinking, I decided to stick with Latin. This choice has defined my teenage years, and I am forever grateful that I was able to pursue this language further in high school. At my school, I’ve been involved in three different publications’ editorial boards—including the Classics paper Acta Diurna. I am also on the tour guide council and the executive actress for my school’s SNLville club. If you’d like to reach me, my email is siennamora07@gmail.com
Let’s Get started
Email us at lectitobooks@gmail.com or follow the link below.